Though this should have been answered at the start, here it is now. Why Thought Crimes? On the upside, it is fun - nourishing all those 'vile as a rogue as ever lived', decadent, irrational thoughts. Private grand exposes on people, politics, the world around and what have you.
I was once reading a blog or maybe it was a book excerpt on Thought Criminals as an expose into government corruption, political shell games, invasion of privacy and the new world order. The consequences, as usual, are far more interesting than the action. The blog said the punishment for Thought Crime does not entail death. However, in a social and political context, not just action, any thought that can threaten, that is dissident or seditious can get you into trouble that you can’t imagine.
The garbs are various, the futurists warn. The United States has passed the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. It’s not anymore about crackdown on dissident speech. It’s about preempting – read ‘any intent, motive or reason to believe that you have nurtured such thoughts’ that can make you a suspect. Then there are the supposed thought readers such as Narco Analysis, Brain Mapping, Polygraph Tests etc. that may deduce what you may have thought or accepted or lied about, given away by your reflexes or your drug induced rattles.
So next time while on your dirty-mind trip, if you so much as twitch your facial muscles or drop your gaze you are liable to be hauled up for your sick thought crimes. On the upside, consider yourself lucky if your head gives you the silent treatment most of the time. If you are not, the noise in your head could well land you in deep shit.
Thoughts that pulled me down to deep depths from where I could see no light. Thoughts that pushed me to the edge and left me standing at the abyss. Self destructing thoughts. Thoughts that destroyed people around me. Thoughts that damned. (A lover once on its way out, spewed eternal damnation to me – “May you suffer for your absolutely filthy thinking.”)
Punishment in such forms. Liberation in form of some others. Finally, learning to live on the outside with damning thought crimes inside. In a semblance of peace.
With joblessness comes great drive. With the excuse of lack of time (and thought) not available anymore, I cannot not try revive this dead blog anymore. To keep ThoughtCrimes alive. In letter, head and spirit. In its grim form as well as vulgar humour.
Happy New Year fellas!
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